Tech Task #7 IFTTT

7 03 2013

Description of Task:

  • Set up an account on IFTTT
  • Activate at least 2 channels
  • Browse the recipes and copy one or create your own
  • Blog about the recipe you created

Well IFTTT I would first like to say THANK YOU! I think this app is really neat and once they get more channels on board I think their potential will only grow. I am grateful for this site for many reasons. Technology comes in many shapes and sizes and it is sometimes frustrating flipping from one to another and back again and remembering usernames and URLs, and all the joys of having technology. I know that sounded like a bad thing and I don’t mean it that way but it does get annoying having so many pages to visit. What IFTT is trying to do is connect those pages, well two of them.

The recipes I created are (and I didn’t realize you could really browse until after, I got a little excited haha):

ImageRecipe #1- YouTube to WordPress: This is where most of my thank you to IFTTT stemmed from. I think I am going to love having this connected. There are a few times now I have shared a video on my blog and had to have both URLs open and copy and paste and embed and although that is fine this is a nice way to add anything I favourite on YouTube to my blog. Maybe it will get me blogging about what I like more and so hopefully I will find great use for it.

Recipe #2- Esty to Gmail: If none of you have ever checked out esty before you really should! There are so many cute things on there and I am constantly browsing it. I like it because it has a vintage store vibe with a online shopping site twist! This link between my gmail and my esty account is purely fun! I like adding my favourites but when I do I will often forget to go back and treat myself on getting a favourite or even better using it to remind parents or boyfriends things I like haha. As I stated this link had no educational use, I think it was important that for once I do something that is for fun and not have much of a reason for it.

I hope to create more IFTTT’s and maybe even add a wordpress to phone recipe so it notifies me when someone comments on a post. I also hope that, as I said, they add more channels, I saw someone mention wanting a Pinterest channel on their blog and that would be neat. I am not much of a Pinterest fan but a TeachersPayTeachers fan and if they came out with a TPT channel I might freak out!! SOOO addicted! As I said to a friend of mine it is like crack for teachers without the trippy side effects haha

I don’t know if I would use this in a classroom, maybe introduce the idea to them but right now with the channels they have I don’t know if there are direct educational links other then the twitter to blog or vice versa.

Thanks for another interesting tool Dean and technology world!
