Update on My Life

7 03 2013

I feel as though I have not blogged in awhile, sorry blog <3. 

I thought I would provide a quick little update on my life. (pause to let people who are just realizing this is not a tech task or mentorship update to applaud me).

Yes, I finally feel as though there may be more purpose to a blog then to complete a requirement for a education course!!! SAY WHHHAATTT, this realization sort of dawned on me when a friend and I were talking and she was speaking highly about a course she is taking and turned to me and said “if you ever need an elective you should take it”. This simple statement took me back and made me realize HOLY POOP I may never need to take another elective again! In literally a month and nineteen days from now I am done… conditional on me passing but still… I am done! In realizing that I may never need to attend school as a student I have been trying to look at my life beyond a student and that made me think about how after this course I will have a blog, and it will be my choice (even though the blog is named allisonsecomp355) to decide if this is a tool I want to keep using. I have not come up with the answer but thought it was something I should maybe start thinking about.

In other news in my schooling, that classroom management project… ya haha… been neglecting that too. Well it has been changed to a Home Schooling Investigation. SO MESSAGE TO ALL HOME SCHOOLED PEOPLE (think of telegram music playing as I say that) , I would appreciate any resources, life stories, anything home school related to help me out here. I think this is a real moral debate and I am eager to look into it.

There was something else I was going to write about but I forgot, so I guess that’s my life update. Thanks to all for reading and I hope I entertain your thoughts 🙂

As always, any feedback or resources for home schooling will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks folks!