Tech Task #8 part 1

7 03 2013

Hello out there!
I have decided that since my phone allows me to use a record button and then from the recorded message turn into text that is how I am going to make this blog post so you can hear me speak without me having to edit it, although I’ll probably still go back and edit it afterwards.
I have the WordPress app on my phone for a while now but haven’t really used it other than for games and some on other things. I don’t really use the apps on my phone, other than games and the often check Facebook or Twitter or Instagram. I really never thought to use it as a blogging thing even though I had the WordPress app on here for awhile.

I am quite enjoying talking and having the phone then turn my talking into a message although I do find I have to go back and reread it to make sure that the phone has correctly entered things properly and not said some maybe not so appropriate words I think it’s beneficial. I like just being able to talk and speak my words and not really have to think about it just use what’s in my head rather than use what’s in my head process it and then type.

I’m interested to see with the iPhone there’s of course emoticons on it, like most smart phones these days, im curious if it puts emoticons up on my blog. I am going to test this out now and see if this works… I might make some cool emoticon stories if I can do this…

I have enjoyed blogging on my phone and as I was reading some other peoples blogs I realize how beneficial this can be. I forget who was but somebody mentioned how they liked it because on the go they could just blog wherever, I think they were in between classes and blogging. I should probably use my WordPress app more maybe then I will get some blogs topics that I would’ve forgotten about by the time I got home my computer. Food for thought 🙂