Classroom Management

For another course of mine, EFDN 303, we have been asked to do a project requiring us to think about something critical within our teaching and research about it and become an expert on it. I find this a really cool project, especially when we were told to view it as something that we want to do or learn but never really had the motivation or time to do so. This took me a second to think about but I finally came up with my idea, and I am actually pretty excited about it.

During internship the greatest learning experience and also the one I struggled the most with, was learning about classroom management. It is part of the reason actually for my forum question in Tech Task #2. I want to learn all I can about this subject because I felt very blindsided and unprepared in this area as I began internship. It was even harder when I would investigate tips I can try and talk to other teachers about tools or techniques they use and their response would be “I can’t explain what I do, I just do it”. Though there response was completely reasonable and understandable it would frustrate me because, well, the selfish person in me would say “well that doesn’t help me”. So I decided to take this chance before I start my journey to become a teacher and learn all I can about this area in hopes to develop a “toolkit” or “survival kit” on how to deal with classroom management.

You may be asking, oh that’s great, good for her but why is she blogging about this? (Don’t worry I doubt any of you are really asking that). Well not only is it reflective and that is what this blog is all about but also it is because I require YOUR help. I would like you to help me in finding resources that you have come across or been pointed to and tried and it helped. I even want things that you tried and didn’t work and to avoid. Books you have come across, techniques you have tried, games you’ve used, “hooks” that caught students attentions, ANYTHING is helpful. I am looking at all grade levels, all areas. In return for your helping me I will also post resources I find through my journey.

I’m putting this out there as an experiment, can the learning community of the internet, come together and can I put this task out there and get responses and help? We will see, as the famous quote from someone somewhere said: “only time will tell”.

As a future note to those who do respond to this and do help me out, thank you, I appreciate this more than you may know 🙂



6 responses

16 01 2013

While perusing through I came across this, I haven’t gone through it in entirety but the post “Creative Classroom Management” looked interesting and I quite enjoyed the picture at the top as it definitely relates to how I felt and am feeling about this issue/topic.

16 01 2013

Oops I forgot to leave the link, silly me…

17 01 2013

Hey Allison, here is a link I have on my delicious account regarding classroom management. I may or may not be helpful but I thought I would share anyway!

5 02 2013

Check out my Classroom Management Category for updates on the project, links, and hopefully the finished project

17 04 2013

Anything written by Harry Wong is a good start because he focuses on teaching expectations very explicitly. I use Daily 5./CAFE in my classroom and modelling appropriate and inappropriate behaviour is key. Lastly, Teacher Tipster is a website that has encouraged me to use humour and fun to motivate which is such an important part of classroom management.

17 04 2013

Thanks Michelle! I have his book the new teacher book n have heard great things about him. I will definitely check that website out! I greatly appreciate the tips!!!

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