TESTING: 1,2,3

8 04 2013

Well, I decided with my recent strides in the technology world and help from professionals in the community to take this blogging thing to the next level. I always said if I found out this blogging thing was for me I would need to change the name, I didn’t want allisonsecomp35blog to be my identifier for forever. I think agottseligworld is the perfect name, originally I thought of it as “a gottselig world” then realizing when you put a-gottselig together it’s the initial of my first name haha WHO KNEW… and although to most people this sounds silly that I got excited over that, they need to know that little things such as coincidental puns are exciting parts to my world haha. 

So world, welcome to “A Gottselig World”, I will be keeping up… I hope but might take a little bit as finishing a degree and only having a week left means a bunch of loose ends to wrap up and tie with a bow and say goodbye 😦 ❤



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