Tech Task 8 part 2- QR Code/Reader

7 03 2013

Description of Task:

  • Puruse this QR resourceCreate a QR code print it out and do something with it. Then blog about it. (Hint: if you’re stuck for an idea, link it to a funny youtube video and leave it out for someone to find)
  • Blog about it.

Let me first start this post by notifying you that QR readers and I have not had the best history! Its similar to one of those bad break up stories you hear about. I will shortly explain it, I really hope ya’ll are sensing my sarcasm but let me make one thing clear QR Readers can be very malicious if they wanna be! I downloaded a QR Reader after the Ed Career Fair as one of the booths had one on their pamphlet and the person I spoke with mentioned that any job postings will go straight to the QR Code once posted on the website. I thought this was brilliant! Get a head start on my competition and learn about these postings ASAP. I have never had a blackberry so the exchanging QR Codes has never been something I have done and so I had to download a QR Reader, I figured why pay for one when I can get one free, so I get one free… well long story short and 3 hours of allison’s time later, I realized the QR Reader was not doing what I needed it to do!!!!

Now that I have ranted and taken a deep breathe I went into this tech task with a open mind. I had difficulty thinking about what I wanted to make my QR Code about and Dean suggested if we are stuck making it about a funny video and leaving it somewhere.


I decided to make my code on an Ellen video called apPARENTly confused. This is where people send in text messages from parents who just don’t understand technology very well. I found this very humours and could relate a lot as I had to explain all the LOL’s and ROFL’s to my mom when she started texting.

My plan is to print a couple of these images off and leave them in bathroom stalls that I go to, I figure it would be a funny place to leave it. So this is as Barney Stinson would say “Challenge ACCEPTED!”



4 responses

7 03 2013
Dean Shareski (@shareski)

That’s the saddest QR story ever.

7 03 2013

It was very traumatizing haha 🙂

7 03 2013

So did you ever get qr to work? What do you think the problem was?

7 03 2013

No I never did get the problem fixed. I ended up deleting the QR Reader. I asked some friends with iPhones about apps they had and I tried a different app and it worked perfectly. Was just a faulty app

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