Tech Task #4- Visual Literacy Part 2

4 02 2013

For part 2 of the tech task this week, feb. 3rd, we were asked to redo a post we have previously done and add a photo or video to it. I decided to K.I.S.S, keep it simple silly. I have updated my home page/about me. I added a new photo as well as changed the colours. I love changing colours around and I hadn’t played around with wordpress to figure out how to do so but now that I know I will be doing it a lot more often. I think adding colour just makes it more interesting and for me easier to read 😀


Tech Task #4- Visual Literacy Part 1c

4 02 2013

I know we were only required to do two of these but I found them so much fun and a really cute way to tell a story. Pictures really are worth a thousand words, even though these are only supposed to be six haha.

Children are amazing for so many reasons but one of the things I love most is the fact that everything is a WOW moment for them. I constantly am around Emma, my cousin in this picture, and she is pointing at something new, even just the simplest thing and being mesmerized by it.

Tech Task #4- Visual Literacy Part 1b

4 02 2013

Six Word Story

This is my two year old cousin Emma, she is so adorable, I took this one day when babysitting her 🙂

P.S- Incase you cannot read the text it says “Viewing inspiration from a child’s lens”

Tech Task #4- Visual Literacy Part 1a

4 02 2013

As the first component of our Tech Task #4 we were to create two six word stories as separate posts. This is my first six word story.

These are pictures I took this past summer, 2012, while working at Buffalo Pound Provincial Park. This was during all those tornado watches. It was scary but made for some gorgeous photos. Really showed the scary but beautiful side of nature.

I thought this was a cool photo I thought because it shows the crazy clouds the environment can invent. (photo on the left)

This was some of the clouds that were in the sky before the storm came in. (photo on the right)